View Profile RadioactiveBaby

Age 37, Male

Keighley, UK

Joined on 1/26/07

Exp Points:
710 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.08 votes
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Latest News

Hello Newgrounds, thought I'd post something after all this time. Thanks to the people who voted on my submissions so far and to the people who wrote comments, some of them helped and made me think about things, others were... well... pointless, but I thank them anyway. Now, as for the purpose of this post... there is none!...

... Well ok maybe there is, I've currently started work on a new idea. After playing around in actionscript I realised how people made RPGs like Mardek. I've always wanted to make a game like this so thiat is what i'm doing next. I'm also going to be adding some things that I haven't seen in RPGs so far which should be fun to code. I'm not very good with visuals but i'll do my best and hopefully it will be something worth playing. I may end up asking for someone to help with the artwork so keep an eye out for it.

Unfortunatly though, to be brutally honest, I'm as lazy as they come so it may take a bit for me to get off my ass to actually do something, so feel free to kick me up the ass or whatever you think will get me moving faster with it.

Recent Game Medals

16,860 Points

Bub Would Be Proud 100 Points

Discover 30 advanced reactions.

Labor Intensive 50 Points

Do a total of 1000 actions.

Challenge 10 Points

Completed Challenge

Rocket 5 Points

300 Bots killed by Rocket Strike

Mass Killa 5 Points

Killed 1.000 bots

Stunned 5 Points

500 Bots Stunned

Armor 5 Points

5.000 Armor points destroyed

Killa 5 Points

Killed 100 bots

Victory 5 Points

First victory

A new case 5 Points

Will you be able to solve this mystery?